Hello, everyone! My name is Susie. The author of the project, Alyson, and I met a few months ago after I learned about oPIN Your Eyes and I was honored when she asked me to take the mantle of this project.
In 2018, we are embarking on the second part of this project: representing the lives lost through abortion at a closer percentage. With the incredible work God has done through oPIN so far, we are representing the unborn lost in America since 1973 at a 200/1 ratio. My goal is to eventually reach a 1/1 ratio. This means collecting approx. 58 million* safety pins.
This is an enormous task, but we serve a God of possibilities. Little by little, this is an effort that is worth pursuing. To be able to show the world an accurate representation of the lives unjustly ended is my ultimate goal with the oPIN your eyes Project.
I have no intention at this point of changing the face of oPIN. However, there will be a new destination for the pin donations. Thank you for your patience as we finalise the details of this next phase.
I will announce the next collection goal soon. Stay tuned!
*number estimated from the 2008, 2011, 2014 Guttmacher Abortion Incidence U.S. articles