Please scroll down below the posts to see the HONORED MOTHERS list. THANK YOU TO EACH OF THE PIN DONORS...Ladies' Bible Study of Grace Presbyterian Church in Metairie; Jasper Ladies' Bible Study; First Presbyterian Church in Jasper; Eastside Baptist Church in Winfield; Sarah S; Abby Z; Citizen's Bank of Winfield; Frostproof Presbyterian Church; The Crump Family; The Gann Family; Freedom Assembly of God Church; Grace Presbyterian Church in Cedartown; The Paul Davis Family; Guin FBC; Jackie A; Carole B; Diann C; Michaela P; The Hager Family; The Fowler Family; Broken Wings Ministry; Lisa H; Gina A; Tom and Sandra G; Johnny D; Susanna B; Erica B; Lisa N; Jessica G; Lisa N; Cora V; Rosemary S; Marissa S; Melissa W; Barbara W; Janet G; Lisa H; Debbie D; Regina S; Judy D; Betty H; Betty B; Donna and Donny B; Leah S; First Baptist Church in Winfield; The Korkie Family; Heritage Presbyterian Church in Royston; Right to Life in Michigan; Kina L; JoAnna P; Wellspring Christian Clinic; Nancy H; Shirley R; Wendy B; Debbie P; Jennifer B; Briarwood Presbyterian Church; Virginia C; The Robinson Family; Jessie M; Lottie A; Bekar M; Snook and Paulette G; Louie and Sandra P; Don and Judy M; Sheri W; Jack and Janet V; Greg and Debra W; Tim B; Necia R; Susan D; WA State, Tina R; Philadelphia Baptist Church; Sav-A-Life Vestavia; Christian T; Caroline L; Litea D; Ginger I; Dick and Molly D; Annie A; Grace A; Mike and Susan M; Darla B; Chandra B; Jannette S; The Holman Family; Iva H; Bro. Adam and Family; Dale P; Adam, Renae, Cole, Carter, and Caroline B; Vick and Debra S; Stoney and Karen B; Trent and Kacy H; David and Rocky B; Melba S; Charles and Susan O; Jeannie F; Jeremy, Lane, and Kristen L; Judy L; Jeremy, Deah, Skylar, Gavin, and Bella H; Derrick, Cassandra, Blake, and Carly A; Cedric and Evelyn F; Virginia B; Nell and Marshall L; Michael and Jennifer S; Kyle, Alicia, and Banks L; Ted S; Jimmy F; Doris S; Ray S; Gloria M; Juanita F; The Rumsey Family; Jack Hayden C; Lilly M; Jordan L; Sarita and Lydia E; Virginia D; Andrew B; Melanie W; Jim and LaVerne L; Tom and Carol H; Dan and Jan D; Lucy W; The Dan D Jr Family; Bret Z; Louise C; Nancy H; Tom and Sandi S; Lynn L; Kim H; Larry T; Wendy J; Brittany S; Noelle H; Alisa R; The Bolline Family; The Armour Family; David and Jill G; Lee Ann G; Nina B; Jerry D; Dru L; Shirley M; The Caka Family; Martha P; John and Elizabeth D; Tiffany K; John and Cherry R; Bradley D; Noelle R; Conley D!

December 9, 2017


First of all, today is a BIG day...the final collection day!  PLUS, I have some BIG NEWS to share!! 

I remember, almost a year ago, when God first began working in my heart regarding this project.  And now, months later, it is amazing to see how God has used your prayers, your willingness to spread this awareness message, and your participation
by sending in pins. 
Thank you all for your support throughout the
9 months of the oPIN your eyes Project! If you have been collecting pins, please send them in.  I'll post the final 9-month collection total next Saturday, Dec 16th!

The total collection of 300,000 pins (1 pin = 200 lives)
will be displayed in a large container resembling a baby bottle at Eastside Baptist Church
on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, January 21, 2018.  I will be sure to put up a picture of the display
on the website that same day.  

 Secondly, I am SO excited to share some significant oPIN your eyes Project NEWS with you!  Although the original collection date ends today, December 9th, the Lord has provided a lady named Susie 
who plans to continue the project!! Susie is also passionate about protecting all human life and eager to bring awareness to what our country has lost due to legalized abortion.

 I am looking forward to seeing how God will continue to work through this project! Within the new year, Susie will provide information regarding
the next collection goal!

  May this project continue on for His glory and purposes alone.  May His name be praised!

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